The knowledge, experience and expertise that we have gathered over the past 8 years has been instrumental not only in how we strive to improve the support and opportunities we offer to the children housed in our own shelters, but also in terms of sharing best practises, conducting trainings, and providing guidance to other NGOs operating in the same field, both nationally and internationally.
Wubanchi Project, Ethiopia:
In March 2023, we had the opportunity to connect with the Wubanchi Project which operates 7 ‘Family Homes’ and 3 ‘Transition Homes’ in Ethiopia.
These support teenagers from public orphanages, to facilitate their adjustment and integration into society. Our team visited the Wubanchi Project’s shelters in Addis Ababa, and met with local staff to present our child protection model in depth, hold trainings on operational best practices, and help identify opportunities for improvement. The Ethiopian team visited Athens a year later to see our work in practise, get a better grasp of how to best implement the processes and initiatives they were previously trained on, and gain valuable knowhow that would enable them to refine and scale up their operations.