Update from the Ground: Global shift towards exclusion and hostility
A global shift towards exclusion and hostility is intensifying, with policies that criminalize asylum seekers and violate fundamental rights. Far-right and xenophobic voices are gaining ground across the globe, fuelling anti-refugee rhetoric and deepening social divisions. In Greece, there has been a rise in violent attacks against refugees, including unaccompanied minors, with multiple cases of verbal abuse, threats, and physical violence.
At the same time, refugee flows continue to rise. Instead of spreading fear and cultivating division, the focus must be on prioritizing child protection, safeguarding human dignity and fostering integration. At The HOME Project, we remain committed to our mission to protect unaccompanied children and offer them all the support they need in order to grow into independent adults and socially conscious citizens. In this turbulent institutional and political landscape, our work to protect the most vulnerable childrenĀ is more crucial than ever before.